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Ten skills and three responsibilities for team leaders of manufacturing enterprises to deal with production problems!

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Three roles of team leader
    The team leader in the workshop is the main communication bridge between the company and the production staff. The management of the company team leader will directly affect the production schedule and product quality of the company's products. Only when the team is full of vitality can the enterprise have vigorous vitality and be invincible for a long time in the fierce market competition.

    The special status of the team leader determines that he has to take different positions on the three levels of personnel: facing the subordinates, he should stand on the position of representing the managers and speak with the leader’s voice; facing the managers, he should stand and reflect From the standpoint of the subordinate's voice, speak with the subordinate's voice; the direct boss facing him should speak from the standpoint of the subordinate and the superior assistant.

    The team leader is the smallest production unit of an enterprise, and team management is the foundation of enterprise management. Regardless of the industry or type of work, its common feature is that it has common means and objects of labor, and directly undertakes certain production tasks, including service products. Therefore, the team leader has three important roles:
The team leader affects the implementation of the company's production decisions, because no matter how good the decision is, it will be difficult to implement the decision if the executor is not effective. Therefore, the team leader affects the implementation of the decision and the ultimate realization of the company's target profit.
The team leader is not only a bridge connecting the past and the next, but also a link between the employees and the leader.
The team leader is the direct organizer of production and the laborer of the production, so the team leader should be both a technical backbone and an all-rounder in business.
Three responsibilities of team leader
    The team leader is a very large team in an enterprise. The overall quality of the team leader determines whether the company's policies can be implemented smoothly. Therefore, whether the team leader performs his duties is very important. The responsibilities of the team leader mainly include:
1 Labor management
      The deployment of personnel, scheduling, duties, strict attendance, emotional management of employees, technical training and safety operations of new employees, sanitation of the production site, and construction of teams and groups are all part of labor management.
2 Production management responsibilities
Production management responsibilities include field operations, personnel management, product quality, manufacturing costs, material management, machine maintenance, etc.

3 auxiliary superior
 The team leader should promptly and accurately reflect the actual situation in the work to the superior, put forward his own suggestions, and be a staff assistant to the superior. However, many team leaders currently only stay in the usual personnel deployment and production scheduling, and they have not given full play to the leadership and exemplary role of the team leader.

Three Skills of Excellent Team Leaders
    First of all, you should know your role in the company. Accurately grasp your rights and obligations, the expectations of company leaders for yourself and the expectations of employees for you. To be precise, there are three aspects:
1 Accurate grasp of the norms, rights and obligations of one's own role
        The team leader should represent three positions: the position of the lower representative of the operator, the position of the upper representative of the producer, and the position of the immediate boss that represents both the employee and the auxiliary staff of the superior.
If the team leader is not clear about this standard, does not know how many rights, duties, and responsibilities he has, and what role he should play, then although he occupies the position of the team leader, he has failed to play the role of the team leader. Team leader of actual value. Of course, one should not be excessive in grasping one's own role. The West calls this phenomenon an impressionistic method, which is more popularly called "pretending to be garlic", and does not even know or understand the lower-level masses.

2 Understand the expectations of leaders
 As a subordinate, you must accurately understand the leadership's instructions, as well as the background, environment and leadership style of the leadership's instructions. Sometimes, as a subordinate, you spend a lot of effort to do something, but it is not what the leader hoped. As a result, the effort did not achieve the desired effect. Of course, it is possible that you are correct, but the leader does not understand, what should you do? At this time, you should choose the right time to submit your suggestions, so that the leader can accept or adopt your suggestions more comprehensively and accurately. There is now a saying in the West: to manage your leadership well, that is, to understand the leadership style, in order to better coordinate the relationship and carry out good work.

3 Understand what your subordinates expect from you
     The lower level has the following six expectations for the higher level:
1. Be fair in doing things. It is easy to say that it is fair to do things, but it is very difficult to do it. Due to the long-term influence of the traditional small-scale peasant economy and planned economy in our country, fairness is often mistaken for egalitarianism. Therefore, it is necessary for the team leader to be fair in the distribution work, to distinguish rewards and punishments, and to be fair in the distribution of benefits. Only in this way can we convince the public.

 2. Care about subordinates. Lack of care and understanding of employees in work and life, employees will naturally be dissatisfied with you.

 3. Clear goals. Clear goals are one of the most important and minimum prerequisites for leadership. As a team leader, the goal should also be very clear, otherwise it is purely a confused official.

 4. Issue orders accurately. As the front-line commander, the team leader should issue orders with the same accuracy as the airfield controllers issuing orders to pilots. Otherwise, ambiguity will inevitably occur, and errors of one kind or another will inevitably occur in the process of dissemination of orders, causing work. Accident.

 5. Timely guidance. In work, subordinates always hope that they can get timely guidance from their bosses from time to time, because the timely guidance of the boss is the attention and training to the subordinates.

 6. Honor is needed. As a team leader, you should also generously distribute honors and bonuses to everyone. The more role models you have under your team, the better your job will be.

Generally speaking, the team leader at the production site should understand the above issues, but this is far from enough. It is necessary to understand the company’s corporate culture, leadership habits, and employee’s personality traits, the past, The current and future situation, the use of workshop equipment.
 Ten tips for dealing with management problems

1 How to deal with conflicts between subordinates?
 Differences of opinion between subordinates are inevitable. Just like the Emperor Kangxi’s grandmother, Empress Xiaozhuang, raised her own point of view when the Emperor Kangxi dealt with the problem of fighting between ministers: “You can’t hope that they will eliminate conflicts, that’s impossible. You can only control this situation in you. The controllable range will not be allowed to continue to expand, and will not be out of control, and will not affect the Jiangshan community." The same problem as the Emperor Kangxi, these common phenomena also exist around us. So how do we deal with it more appropriately, so as not to make the situation rigid and out of control?

As a boss, you should face up to these subjective factors that affect leadership behavior. The most taboo is the attitude of turning a blind eye to contradictions among subordinates. There was a squad leader who had conflicts among his three subordinates, and one of them told him about the relationship between them. He said to her impatiently: "You tell me such a small matter. Can't you handle your relationship?" The subordinate was very upset when he heard it, and left without saying anything. One month later, the relationship between them became more and more violent. You dismantled my station and I dismantled your station. Finally, one day at work, it caused poor quality and caused all the output on the same day to be reworked.

In fact, when a subordinate raises a contradictory issue, it is usually because he cannot handle the relationship. Well, if you do not make a positive treatment, it will usually lead to more rigid relationships. He may break the jar and fall, eventually affecting his work. As a boss, you should have a certain understanding of the relationship between subordinates. Often from their speech and behavior, to understand the relationship between them. When you find that there is not a very harmonious atmosphere, you should grasp its degree. One depends on the degree to which it affects the work, and the other depends on the permanence of the atmosphere. According to different situations, different mediation methods are adopted. In short, keep the following points in mind:

⑴ Don't avoid the problem.

⑵Don't blame them for handling badly. Because everyone's personality is different, there are some people in this world that make others hate. That kind of relationship is difficult to self-adjust.

⑶ Don't talk about the other side's views on the contradictory side. So as not to make him even more resentful, but to push the relationship between them to rigidity. "He said you again...you said him..." things like that must not be said to any party.

⑷In the process of mediation, try to be as calm as possible. Let them tell their opinions, analyze their problems objectively, and point out their wrong views and behaviors. Severe criticism must be made for extreme behaviors that have affected the work, and the behavior's interest in the results must be explained.
       ⑸ If mediation is not possible, organizational adjustments should be made and one of them should be removed.

⑹ Lead and work with them to complete a very cooperative project and strengthen their team spirit.

2 How should I arrange my work when I ask for leave?
     Organize your work (projects, progress) into a list and give it to your boss, and explain your thoughts and arrangements in detail to your boss, remind you of important matters, and ask your boss for advice. Combining the opinions of the supervisor is to make specific work arrangements and designate the person in charge to ensure the progress of the work. Leave your detailed contact method and phone number, in case the worker has an abnormality, you can find yourself in time.
3 What should I do if my indirect boss personally directs his own work?
First of all, I want to congratulate you. This shows that your excellent work ability is seen by many bosses, so you can’t "sternly reject" your indirect boss. You have to quickly determine if this is an emergency when you receive instructions from your indirect boss. If it is, it should be dealt with as soon as possible: if it is not, it should be reported to the direct supervisor, and the implementation should be arranged under the approval of the supervisor. Regardless of the final implementation of the instructions of the indirect superiors, the work progress and results must be reported to the direct superiors, and the direct superiors will relay the reports to the indirect superiors.

4What should I do if I disagree with my boss?
As the saying goes, no matter how close the teeth and tongue are, there are times when they fight. It is inevitable to disagree with your boss. Should you completely abandon your own views, or should you fight for reasons with the idea of ​​"beheading it does not matter, as long as the doctrine is true"?

There is a principle that needs to be grasped here, that is, to judge according to the final results of different work plans. If the goals and results of the two plans are the same, you may wish to incorporate your own ideas into the boss's plan, so as to learn from each other's strengths and exchange what is needed; if It is the boss's wrong plan, so it should be a reminder to the boss, but the reminder is to remind the boss to reconsider the new method based on the inadequacy of his plan. If it is not for your boss to ask your own ideas, generally do not propose your own plan, because this will make your boss feel uncomfortable and may reject your ideas instead.

Therefore, when you disagree with your boss, you should communicate to a certain extent. It’s best if the boss’s thoughts are consistent with one’s own through communication; if they can’t be consistent, then as a subordinate, you should unconditionally execute the boss’s order, because the boss stands taller and bears greater responsibilities. Many considerations may not be clear to us. .

5How to reflect the opinions of employees to the boss?
The team leader is a bridge for communication between superiors and subordinates. It is very important to achieve "upward and downward" and "upward and downward orders". Before reporting the opinions of employees to the boss, the matters should be sorted out, preferably in the form of a written report. The important thing is not to discuss matters, and you should attach your own opinions and suggestions, because the boss is busy and faces a wider range of people. If you make decisions based on your opinions, the time will be faster and you can also prevent omissions.

In addition, as a manager, working as a "microphone" is not enough. If you can solve and clarify the opinions and opinions put forward by employees, you can deal with them on the spot and report them to your boss afterwards. Don't leave everything intact to your boss for handling, increasing the supervisor's management burden.

6 How to communicate the implementation of the above resolutions to employees?
Communicating to employees to implement the above spirit and resolutions is a work in the category of "upward and downward". There are several key points to do this job well:

⑴ Fully understand the purpose, requirements, and implementation methods of superior resolutions. This is not a matter of posting the notice on the notice board or saying a few words in the morning meeting. If you do not fully understand the resolution, then how the employees should implement it, whether it meets the requirements, etc. cannot be judged and evaluated. In case they do something wrong, It's even worse.

(2) If you can't sow the seeds, just wait for the harvest. Of course, the work schedule can't just wait for the results. Regular work progress tracking is necessary. After the work is arranged, how the implementation is, what problems are encountered, how to solve them, etc., all need to be confirmed and resolved by the team leader one by one.

      ⑶ Do a good job of clearing and explaining to employees. Many of the company’s decisions may make everyone feel comfortable, and it is inevitable to be upset. However, as a manager, you should not express your emotions and add fuel to the fire. It is necessary to patiently explain the content of the resolution to the employees, so as to reassure the people and ensure the normal progress of production tasks. At this point, we should stand on the company's standpoint.

⑷ Communicate feedback in a timely manner. After the decision of the superior is issued, the implementation process and results should be given immediate feedback. For some matters that have relatively large repercussions and may cause serious consequences (such as strikes, sabotage, and loss of personnel), it is necessary to report them in time and seek effective countermeasures.

7 How to treat leapfrog reports from employees?
When I was asked by my boss about something, I knew nothing about it. I believe that many managers have encountered this embarrassment. Because many employees have a variety of reasons and purposes, they often report their work to a higher level, making it difficult for their direct supervisors. If this phenomenon is to be eliminated, the following aspects are essential.

⑴ Reached a consensus with the boss and resisted some leapfrog reports with ulterior motives. This is the most fundamental point. If you say that your boss likes employees who leapfrog reports, then this trend will intensify. But how to make the boss happily accept this view is a very troublesome thing.

⑵ Through the morning meeting and other forms of publicity and education, clarify the way of work report.

⑶ Talk openly and openly with individual employees who like to report by leapfrogging, and put forward their own opinions and opinions, so that employees can understand their positions and feelings.

8 What should I do if my subordinates love to beat others?
There are not many employees who like to make small reports, and there are only one or two in the team. We have to be cautious with such employees. Sometimes, employee reports can provide a lot of information that we have never grasped. Sometimes, small reports can cause tension in the interpersonal relationship of the entire team. Therefore, for employees who love to hit other people's small reports, the main points to deal with are as follows:

⑴ Treat the employee mainly with coldness, that is, treat the employee with a lukewarm attitude, so that he can finally understand the position and ideas of his boss, and gradually get rid of the problem of making small reports;

⑵Adjust your management philosophy and style appropriately, handle the collected information carefully, create a harmonious working atmosphere in the team, and reduce mutual confrontation and friction;

⑶ Appropriate use of the employee’s personality that likes to spread, spread some information in the form of gossip, to preview and transition the formal plan.

9 How to deal with employee complaints
When an employee thinks that he has been treated unfairly, he will complain, and this emotion will help alleviate the unhappiness in his heart. Complaining is the most common and least destructive form of venting. If it is not handled well, there may be excessive behaviors such as reducing work efficiency. Managers must take it seriously. Pay attention to the following points when handling employee complaints:

⑴Listen to complaints patiently: Complaining is nothing more than venting. When you find that your subordinates are complaining, you can find a separate environment for him to complain without scruples. All you need to do is to listen carefully. As long as you can let him complain in front of you, your job will be half successful because you have gained his trust.

⑵ Try to understand the cause: Any complaint has a cause. In addition to understanding the origin of the incident from the complainant, the manager should also listen to the opinions of other employees. Before the matter is fully understood, managers should not make any remarks. If they express their opinions prematurely, they will only make matters worse.

(3) Effective dredging: Complaints can be resolved through equal communication with complainers. Managers must first listen carefully to complainers’ complaints and opinions, and secondly answer questions raised by complainers seriously and patiently, and make friendly criticisms of unreasonable complaints from employees. This can basically solve the problem.

⑷ Resolute handling: Complaints are contagious, so it is necessary to take timely measures and try to deal with them fairly and rigorously to prevent further expansion of negative effects.
10How to treat employees who are dissatisfied with themselves?

Employee dissatisfaction often occurs when the team leader is just promoted. When some employees think that they or a colleague are more qualified to be promoted, his performance is often dissatisfied, or they have some problems to embarrass the newly appointed boss. When this happens, some team leaders and new officials will often use their power to "suppress" dissatisfaction, resulting in extremely tense relations between superiors and subordinates, and ultimately making it difficult to start work.

When this phenomenon occurs, managers need to have three psychological preparations: self-confidence, generosity, and differentiated treatment. Because of inadequate management experience, mistakes are inevitable, but you must firmly believe that you will be able to do the job in the end, and people will be convinced only if you have a confident manager. For employees who dissatisfied with yourself, you must be magnanimous, discuss the matter, and do not retaliate. Only in this way will the employees' minds gradually settle, and they must be mobilized first to carry out normal work. People have a herd mentality. Seeing some people move, they are forced to work naturally under the pressure of their jobs.

Please keep the source and address of this article for reprinting: Ten skills and three responsibilities for team leaders of manufacturing enterprises to deal with production problems!

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